Concept Mapping

I created this project during the third semester in the M.A.T. program at ETSU.  I did not get the opportunity to use this activity in a classroom.  What is exceptional about this project is that it helps to develop organizational skills as well as technology skills.  The program I chose to use updates in real time, so the students can "work together" from home.  This activity would be a wonderful way for the teacher to understand what connections the students are making from the material AND how they are making these connections.  I LOVE  this activity and I am anxious to use this in the classroom.
What is Bastille Day?

Name:  L. Erin Estep Dugger

Date: Sept 28, 2010
Lesson Title:  What is Bastille Day?

Grade/Level: 10th grade
TN State Learning Accomplishments:
  • Develop familiarity with historical moments and figures
  • Form bases for understanding relationships between historical concepts and contemporary issues

  • 1c - create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
  • 2a - interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.

  • 1c -  promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.
·         2a - design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
·         2d - provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

TN State Computer Technology Learning Accomplishments:
Standard 4.0
Students will use technology communications tools.

Essential Question:  The storming of the Bastille signified the beginning of the French Revolution, what were the social and political events that lead up to this day?

Concept Map Integration Plan:  A concept map will be created from brainstorming and discussion sessions using MindMeister via Google Docs that visually outlines the key concepts needed to answer the essential question.  Students will work together in a collaborative effort.  A copy of the finished product will go in the class portfolio that is  accessible to students, parents, and administrators.  This concept map could be used as a future exam or quiz.  Students can print final products for study guides and review.

Brief description of the Instruction Plan:  Students will work together through MindMeister to brainstorm key concepts, events, and important names they associate with the phrase “the storming of the Bastille.”  Provided relevant articles and text, class discussion, and online virtual tools will be used by the students to further their knowledge for this objective.  Although students will have some class time for this project, the bulk of the assignment will be complete at home and will count as homework during this time.  At the conclusion of the project, the collected information will be arranged into a concept map using MS PowerPoint in class via the SmartBoard.  This allows the initial ideas to be portrayed as a visual.  This will help students to further organize and synthesize the information allowing them to add new information when appropriate and to eliminate information that is not essential to the key concept.  A final map will visually demonstrate the social and political factors that lead to the storming of the Bastille and eventually the French Revolution.
Additional Technology Integration to be Used: This lesson will use a Web 2.0 tool as well as a concept map generated in PowerPoint.

Description of the ‘relative advantage’ of all technology being used in this lesson: The brainstorming and brief whole class discussions will take place online using MindMeister via Google Docs.  Not only will this encourage students to do their best work (since other students will be seeing it too) but it will allow students to work together from home.  This program updates in real time, so the students will be able to comment, discuss, and add ideas instantly that everyone will be able to see at the same time.  The final concept map that is created in PowerPoint can be edited, saved, and printed for student use in the future.  No part of this evolving process is feasible without the aid of classroom technology for real time student collaboration, editing, and printing of the final product.